
Dr. Saleh Al Ghamdi

Dr. Saleh Al Ghamdi has over 22 years’ managerial experience and has wide experience in quality, research, and health strategy planning.
He obtained his postgrad qualifications from The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, USA as well as University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Biomedical Center, Faculty of Applied Sciences and University of Nottingham, UK. Also Dr. AlGhamdi has obtained another master in bioethics from Prince Satam University, Riyadh, KSA.
Recently, Dr Saleh assigned as Director of the Standards Development Department in the Saudi central board for accreditation of healthcare institutions (CBAHI).
Previously he worked as a Director and Chairman of many research, quality and strategy departments within the Healthcare institutions. Furthermore, Dr. Al Ghamdi is actively participating in teaching at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Alfaisal University and Taif University.
He published many papers and presented presentations at local and international conferences. Also, he was selected for many awards and grants inside and outside the Kingdom.