
Dr. Turki Abujamel

Dr. Turki Abujamel holds a Ph.D in microbiology and immunology. Throughout his Ph.D study period, Turki mastered analyzing deep-sequencing data from mixed microbial community using various bioinformatics tools. Therefore, he has several collaborations with scientist across Canada and the United States. Also, Dr. Abujamel received several academic excellence and distinction awards by the University of Ottawa, Canada and the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in Canada, as well as King Abdualziz University. Dr. Abujamel is an associate professor in Medical Laboratory Scienes department at the faculty of Applied Medical Sciences and a principal investigator at the Vaccines and Immunotherapy Unit at KFMRC. Dr. Abujamel is also the supervisor for the Bioinformatics unit at KFMRC. Dr. Abujamel has published number of peer reviewed articles in high impact journals."

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm

Wednesday 24th April

Panel Discussion 1: Microbiome and Human Health: From Bench to Bedside